Life specializes in Event Marketing & Promotion today has numerous experiences in the field of event organization and has consolidated its “know-how” becoming a leader in the supply of personnel. We take care of different types of events: Fairs, In Store Promotion, Meetings & Conventions, Promotional Tours, Special Events, distribution of advertising material. In addition to serving the communication needs of its direct customers, Life collaborates with some of the leading media centers and advertising agencies. We are present throughout Europe with direct staff thanks to a database of about 30,000 names, professionals in the sector to be used in various communication projects: Hostesses, Stewards, Promoters, Merchandisers, Models, Translators, Entertainers, Roller Girls, Tour Leaders, Supervisors, Drivers, Security, Dancers, Musicians, Street Artists, Technicians and Event Professionals. We also have professional shows of wizards, dance groups and music bands.